Foundation Member – Topo Athletic

Move better. Naturally.

Topo lives at the inter­sec­tion of nat­ur­al and prac­ti­cal: where instinc­tive human move­ment meets mod­ern com­fort and per­for­mance. They are ​“ath­lete-inclu­sive”, which means that Topo shoes will work for you whether you are run­ning ultra­ma­rathons, your local parkrun, or out walk­ing with friends.

Topo Ath­let­ic’s sim­ple no-gim­mick design was cre­at­ed for peo­ple with feet who like to move. They’re will­ing to bet that if you move nat­u­ral­ly and com­fort­ably, there is a greater chance that you will move again the next day. And the day after that. We call that the sci­ence of com­mon sense.

Whether you are mov­ing for fun or com­pet­ing at an elite lev­el, come join the mil­lions of oth­ers who have dis­cov­ered the per­for­mance and lifestyle ben­e­fits of nat­ur­al movement.



Running Industry Alliance


Company Address – Running Industry Alliance, Colony Piccadilly, 5 Piccadilly Place, Aytoun St, Manchester M1 3BR

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