RIA Member – This Mum Runs

This Mum Runs (TMR) is the largest multi-channel running community for women in the world, on a mission to empower the 91 million inactive women worldwide to be more active, more often, for life.

We create communities and running experiences for women – on and offline – that use the powers of connection & belonging to enable women to create new and build regular running habits. Currently a chapter-based community, we operate globally with digital communities and free, weekly in person runs for women in 60 cities worldwide; and a coaching App – Run30™ – that focuses on minutes moving, not miles or pace, tackling the common barriers for women of fear of judgement and lacking confidence. Run30™, was named “Best Running App in the UK” by Apple in 2020.

Currently in Beta and launching in 2024, our new community App aims to revolutionise running for the millions of women who want to run, but don’t know where to start (or how to keep it going once they have). With a range of community spaces that connect women around their life stage and interests, cohort based coaching and a training academy for volunteers and coaches, our goal is to harness the power of community and positive running experiences to make running fun, enjoyable, inclusive and accessible to all women at every stage of their lives.






Running Industry Alliance

Email: membership@runningindustryalliance.com

Company Address – Running Industry Alliance, Colony Piccadilly, 5 Piccadilly Place, Aytoun St, Manchester M1 3BR

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