Foundation Member – Sussex Sport Photography

Sussex Sport Photography (SSP) is a leading UK Sport Photography Agency
SSP has grown organically since 2003, changing the landscape of mass participation event photography. Our portfolio of clients extends across the length and breadth of the UK working seamlessly with events from a few hundred participants to tens of thousands.
With our high quality professional approach, we ensure participants have their memories and proof of their achievements. Telling stories of success to inspire friends and families – digital images provided on time and free at the point of use reach wider social networks faster with more impact than any other medium.
Our professional photographers are passionate storytellers and are supported by our office team who conscientiously and accurately catalogue the millions of images with runner numbers for easy search and instant download – either live (actually during an event) or next day – depending on the event’s needs and technology deployed. Our current online gallery holds over 26 million fully catalogued and easily searchable images from thousands of events.
Our work enables brands, sponsors and charity partners to positively associate themselves with the success and achievements of the participant, the event and the moment. Simply put – if you want participants to talk about your event across social media as much as possible after they have done it – you have to give them the visible proof of event images and materials to do it, on time, accurately without errors, and easily, with world class user experience and free at the point of use.
We are proud to work with events that are prepared to invest in the long term positive memories of their participants by ensuring that all participants have free downloads at the point of use. Event Photography delivers exceptional ROI, zero waste, bespoke rewards for your participants that maximise reach and impact for your event.
Proud to be Official Photography Partner of The Running Conference 2022 #TRC22