RIA Member – Stolt

Stolt is an independent endurance sports brand based in London, UK. We are a team of athletes serving a growing community of urban road runners and city commuters – the everyday athletes like us training for endurance races or just looking to stay fit.
We believe endurance training is a key lifestyle medicine and are on a mission to bring road running to the masses. Endurance sports is for everyone – regardless of pace, ambition or background.
We make technical performance backpacks and accessories for runners and commuters.
Our number one design principle is superior ergonomics. Every Stolt product is designed to perform to the max whilst running. Our style is Scandinavian and minimalistic, and all our products have smart features to enable you to carry all your daily essentials and keep logging in those miles.
Stolt is Swedish for Proud. For us that symbolises the inner sense of pride an athlete feels when they reach a personal goal after months and months, if not years, of training. We celebrate endurance, perseverance and grit – that’s what makes us Stolt.