Sport & Outdoor Leaders Think Tank re-launched in 2024 – join now at a special RIA Member rate!

Sport and Outdoor Leaders Forum (SOLF) is a joint venture between the OlA and RIA who continue to run the forums for members after Tim Drake stepped back as the operational founder of the ‘Think Tank’ and donated it to the Sports and Outdoor industries.

In the future, Chair of the meetings will alternate between members of the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and Running Industry Alliance (RIA) Board, Directors and Senior Staff, with many fascinating and inspirational speakers invited to attend from across the industries and further afield to inspire, educate, engage and entertain members.

Inspiring & educational network evenings with senior piers in the Sports or Outdoor industries. Chatham House opportunity to share, learn and support with the very best from the sector and beyond.


Annual membership includes:

3 pre-arranged and organised business networking events co-hosted by the Outdoor Industries Association and Running Industry Alliance each year including;

  • An afternoon optional activity or a guided tour of facility
  • Private evening function with pre-dinner drinks and a sit down 3 course meal with refreshments
  • A wide selection of inspiring, educational and entertaining international quality Keynote speakers from a wide background
  • After dinner evening of networking Q&A and industry catch up (a hotel promotional code for a reduced overnight stay is often negotiated)
  • Membership also includes all the follow up notes and slides from each event and access to the speakers for follow up private engagements should they be of use for future business

The events continue to follow Chatham House rules and allow members to engage and discuss similar challenges faced in a confidential space.


Annual Membership remains as it has for more than 20 years, with some new concession prices now added.

  • Annual inclusive cost for OIA or RIA members £1000
  • Annual inclusive for other corporate members £1200
  • Second member of same company 50% reduction on above
  • Charities £500 a year (50% for second member)
  • Independent Self-Employed Industry Professional – eg Journalist, consultant, agent, recruitment, athlete etc… £350 per year
  • Host an event and provide a keynote speaker with local operational assistance – receive a 4 month extension to your membership (one additional event)

If an individual wishes to retain membership after leaving a member company, they can attend 2 meetings free of charge to network. It is expected they would attempt to re-join the Think Tank if they find new employment with a company in the industry.

Membership applications are limited in number and exclusive to senior members of the Sport and Outdoor Industries.  To ensure most events are between 16-20 delegates the Forum will only register a maximum number of members a year.  Applications will be kept on a waiting list once we are at capacity and informed when a space becomes available – you will only be invoiced when you have been successful in your application.

Want to join?

Spaces are limited, if you want further information, to add a staff member or invite a colleague to join, please contact

If you have any other questions, please speak directly to Andrew Denton (OIA), Rebecca (Becs) Richardson (RIA) or Jonathan Midwood (RIA).

The first event in 2024 takes place on 7th March at Leeds Becket University, Carnegie School of Sport and Weetwood Hall.

Guests and speakers on 7th March include:

Professor John O’Hara, Carnegie School of Sport
Dr Barney Wainwright, Carnegie School of Sport
Richard Downey, The Brownlee Foundation
Dave Bunting MBE
Tom Bosworth MBE

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