New Joint Venture from the Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) and Running Industry Alliance (RIA)

After many years, Tim Drake is stepping back as the operational founder of the Think Tankand donating it to the Sports & Outdoor industries.  Tim will remain as a regular attendee of the Sport & Outdoor Leaders Forum (SOLF) for the foreseeable future and looks forward to networking with his many industry friends without the distraction of the actual organisation of the events.  He has now passed ownership of SOLF over to a joint venture between the OIA and RIA who will continue to run the forums for members. Tim will have life-long membership as founder and honorary Chair but may not attend every time as he continues to enjoy life between the UK and France!

In the future, Chair of the meetings will now alternate between members of the OIA and RIA board of Directors and senior staff, with many fascinating and inspirational speakers invited to attend from across the industries and further afield to inspire, educate, engage and entertain members.

Commenting on the new joint venture, the OIAs CEO, Andrew Denton said, The priority is to focus on topics at the very heart of the Sport & Outdoor industries while maintaining the core principles that have made it a success a learning opportunity combined with a Chatham House rulesprivate networking dinner where senior industry figures meet to share ideas and learn from prestigious speakers and from each other in person three times a year.

On behalf of the Running Industry Alliance, Co-Lead, Rebecca Richardson (Becs) said, We are delighted to be a part of the Sport & Outdoor Leaders Forum going forward. I have known Tim Drake for many years from Cobra Sports and the Sports Industry and RIA is honoured that he has passed this on and enabled the joint venture with the OIA.  I look forward to learning, connecting and engaging with members and the wider recreation industries over future years.

Annual membership for existing members will roll over until its current expiration. Costs for 2024 and for new members can be found shortly on the OIA and RIA websites with the same applied discounts for OIA and RIA members. The OIA will manage the background operational details, invoicing, booking venues and help with travel and accommodation details.

As always there will be three meetings a year in March, June and October the 2024 exact dates will be agreed by a Doodle Poll and proposed venues and membership details will be available shortly as well as a dedicated page created for members on the OIA website.

There are some spaces available for new members, so if you want to add a staff member or invite a colleague to join, please contact and if you have any other questions please speak directly to Tim Drake, Andrew Denton, Rebecca Richardson or Jonathan Midwood.

Or visit websites or for more information.