Foundation Member – JustGiving

JustGiving is the world’s most-trusted online fundraising platform, enabling over 24 million people to raise more than £5bn for over 28,000 charities and good causes since launching in 2000.

As a tech-for-good company, JustGiving exists to democratise fundraising technology, so that anyone, anywhere can make good things happen. By empowering every giving moment around the world with world-class technology and innovative tools, JustGiving helps good causes reach more people and raise more money.

JustGiving is extremely proud to be home to the world’s biggest fundraiser, Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised £38.9m for NHS Charities Together in April 2020.

For more information, visit or follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn.

Running Industry Alliance


Company Address – Running Industry Alliance, Colony Piccadilly, 5 Piccadilly Place, Aytoun St, Manchester M1 3BR

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