RUNRIGHT-3D is an evidence-based gait analysis system that will help you confidently increase sales of running shoes.
It was designed to replace 2D video analysis, where technicians measure ‘Pronation’ subjectively using the software’s angle tool. It should be noted that measuring the angle of rear foot eversion or foot typing does not correlate with the dynamic behaviour of running footwear—whatsoever.
RUNRIGHT-3D uses two 3D cameras that consistently scan your body while you run, measuring 42 different gait parameters. These are then scored against norms and grouped, providing scores for Performance, Injury Protection, Efficiency and Energy Return.
You can carefully dial-in the perfect shoe depending on your customer’s demands. If you change the shoe, you can change the score, it’s that simple.
Unlike 2D analysis, running speed is a significant factor—what might be good for a pro running at 20kph is pure kryptonite for an 8kph Park Runner. So with RUNRIGHT-3D, you can sell your customers shoes for the speed they want to run and keep them injury-free.
RUNRIGHT-3D is more than just a gait analysis system. Each customer will automatically receive a shoe report containing their shoe data, results, and recommendations on improving their running. Meanwhile, within your RUNRIGHT-3D portal, you can see which shoes are selling, which aren’t and why. You can also see who your best salesperson is and how efficient they are. (and those that aren’t). Finally, every shoe you sell has an ‘owner’ detailed within the CMS and you can reach out to them. You can inform them of sales and events or just let them know you have the same shoe left in stock and offer a discount.
Looking to take your running store to the next level? Then take a look: